In many neighborhoods there are all kinds of social problems among citizens happening. From unaffordable housing to no jobs, from debt to obesity and from gang violence to loneliness. On an urban level other problems occur. From deferred maintenance of the public space to poor recreational facilities. From dirty streets to the lack of lighting and greenery. And why is there so much distance between the government and the people? Why is there so much lack of trust? In March 2022 Arjen is going to SXSW in Austin Texas (US) to represent Hoodlab Global by
We ask ourselves the question. How can we re-create governing systems, in conversation with our citizens to not only come to better solutions for all these problems, but more importantly come closer to each other? Period. How can people use the urban space as their playground for a better society? To give the people and the city a voice and tools to not only think, but to act differently.
While the people talk about love and life, local Hoodlab tribes are bridging the gap between the government and the public on topics like health, poverty, housing, sustainability and safety. They do this by facilitating local action research and cultural projects together with the residents and local network partners from the hood. With Hoodlab as a pop-up hub shooting bursts of joy and empowerment to make a positive impact in their neighborhoods.
In spring 2018 Hoodlab started a long term project in one of the roughest and poorest neighborhoods in the South East of Amsterdam. The hood is named Venserpolder. Gang violence, poverty, shootings and unsafe public space. Two crime incidents forced the local administration to start a positive change.
With the tribe leader and his team, a group of professionals from different municipal domains, corporations, and formal and informal care partners in the background, and involved residents and young people in the front, the team started their work in the hood. Integrally working on improving the quality of life and the environment of the residents in line with the area plans. So the government could match the coming improvements to the actual needs.
In the process, the tribe looked for neighborhood ambassadors who want to inspire the people and the stories of the people in al kind of appealing content were captured. Hoodlab stood at the basis of making this valuable material about with the neighborhood such as video's, photo series, public exhibitions and community art projects. These work showed the energy of the project to other residents and brought it even more to life, so that developments were being embedded and remembered.
In the spring of 2019 the tribe worked the year round, together with the residents, municipality, professionals and different organisations realising around twelve physical projects in the public space. From planting 50.000 flower bulbs, together building picknick tables, a real life public exhibition and transforming two large tunnels into artworks, where hundreds of residents collaborated on.
Ever since, Hoodlab has worked on 25 participatory citizen projects throughout the country in 14 neighborhoods, making positive impact and positive change in the cities.
Click here to the link of the pitch for CIVIC I/O at SXSW 2022.
Mauritio is een echte jongen van de buurt. Italiano, zoals de meeste mensen uit de buurt hem noemen. Van origine heeft Mauritio Italiaanse roots, maar is opgegroeid in Deventer voordat hij naar Amsterdam kwam. Hij kent iedereen en iedereen kent hem. Met de drerries (straattaal voor jonge gastjes) uit de buurt kan hij lezen en schrijven.